You don’t need to have experience in construction or a Bible degree to make an impact in Haiti. Even though there are desperate physical needs for physical disaster relief, many overlook the spiritual need that can be met if you’re willing to be a vessel of God’s grace. Ben, a participant in a youth trip to Haiti writes about experiencing the great need for prayer in Haiti.
I was nervous about participating in an Ask the Lord (ATL). We were each supposed to pray quietly for 25 to 30 minutes listening to what God has to tell or show us.
Why would God want to talk to me? I told myself it was ok if I didn’t hear anything and prayed with little expectations.
The whole time I prayed I couldn’t get one lady out of my mind.
Two days ago, I’d met her in Tent City. Those who lost their homes in the earthquake went to Tent City. I was surprised by how many people were living there. The poverty and destruction was hard to see, but the people had such amazing stories and faith.
One woman stood out in particular. We wanted to give her a tarp, but we didn’t have one to give.
During our ATL, I kept seeing her and thought God wanted me to go back to Tent City. My teammate Karin had the same woman on her mind. So our group went back to Tent City to give a tarp to this woman.
While we were there, we prayed for her and others living in Tent City. We realized people were lining up for us to pray with them. It took so long to leave because so many families wanted prayer.
Seeing their desire for God helped me realize that God wants me too. He wants to speak to me and through me just like he wants to speak to and through those living in Tent City.
Photos by Stephanie Bernotas, Shyanne, Mari Tomer, and Shyanne
Since one youth was willing to say “yes” and listen to what God was doing, he was able to be a part of the healing of so many. Haiti needs the God in you! Will you, like Ben, respond to the voice of God and see how they change the world?