
When the News Moves On

             Many of us here in Alabama have seen the Lord work in mysterious ways this week. There is much rejoicing as we go into next week and are able to see what the Lord has done. Mr. Tinker’s new roof is almost complete and the new attic is coming along at Elaine and Edward’s. We are excited as we near completion of a project on our short-term mission trip here. Today our team sought the Lord as we began to look around the area to see what needs we could fill. Although we are rejoicing for things the Lord has done and is doing today, we ask the Body of Christ to pray and cry out with us for the people of Alabama.
              The need here is so great that pictures and words can never bring the reality or the scope of damage that has torn the land here near Rainsville. Our hearts are heavy for the people we met and prayed with on the mountain today. Many of their homes are gone, many of their friends have been lost, but still their hope remains. Each person we talked with today was grateful for the things they had. Like Ms. Claudine, a widow whose entire roof is gone, but she was thankful to have a house to sleep in because others have no home at all. Ms. Claudine can’t afford to repair her roof, and has been unable for various reasons to get help from the government. Her son-in-law, one of the only people who could help her was severely burned when a truck he was trying to move for her exploded. Our hearts break for her, but she continues to rejoice in all she has.

                I can’t explain the need that is still here. The news media has moved on to other things. Yet the people here are still waking up to rubble every day. Please continue to pray for those here and please continue to keep them in your thoughts as the need is very real. Please encourage those that can help to come. There is a need for experienced roofers, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. If you are able, your hands are needed here. In addition, the ministry is in need of finances.  If you are able to make donations to this ministry, please contact AIM. Most of those we want or need to help are very poor and cannot afford materials to repair their homes. So if you’re able, please prayerfully consider making a donation. As the Body of Christ, please fund the work of Christ as we not only repair their homes but also their souls through the Spirit.

                Please join us this week and cry out for experienced hands and resources to flow into the Body of Christ here in Alabama.