When the News Moves On

             Many of us here in Alabama have seen the Lord work in mysterious ways this week. There is much rejoicing as we go into next week and are able to see what the Lord has done. Mr. Tinker’s new roof is almost complete and the new attic is coming along at Elaine and Edward’s. We are excited as we near completion of a project on our short-term mission trip here. Today our team sought the Lord as we began to look around the area to see what needs we could fill. Although we are rejoicing for things the Lord has done and is doing today, we ask...

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When the News Moves On

             Many of us here in Alabama have seen the Lord work in mysterious ways this week. There is much rejoicing as we go into next week and are able to see what the Lord has done. Mr. Tinker’s new roof is almost complete and the new attic is coming along at Elaine and Edward’s. We are excited as we near completion of a project on our short-term mission trip here. Today our team sought the Lord as we began to look around the area to see what needs we could fill. Although we are rejoicing for things the Lord has done and is doing today, we ask...

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Alabama Relief: Transformation after the Tornadoes

When the first responders move out and the dust settles a bit, that’s usually about the time that most of the public begins focusing on other headlines. Until I came here to Alabama, I had no idea the level of devastation that this area had faced. When you round that last curve in the hills of Northeastern Alabama and come into the area that AIM is serving, the destruction is so overwhelming it takes your breath away. It is more reminiscent of a war zone than a rural community. In the face of something so horrible, it’s easy to look at the scope of the devastation and think, “Can...

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Being the Church after Disaster Strikes

Overwhelming Love For almost two weeks we’ve been helping an elderly couple named Gene and Judy dig out of the destruction left by the April 27th tornado. Another group first started cutting up fallen trees with chain saws and hauling them to the road while we worked on their nephews property, then our team started repairing their house. During this time we all became great friends and shared many wonderful stories, and we were able to pray and minister to them.   This past weekend, they told us that many years ago they were very active in a local church, but when they resigned...

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Alabama Relief: Transformation after the Tornadoes

When the first responders move out and the dust settles a bit, that’s usually about the time that most of the public begins focusing on other headlines. Until I came here to Alabama, I had no idea the level of devastation that this area had faced. When you round that last curve in the hills of Northeastern Alabama and come into the area that AIM is serving, the destruction is so overwhelming it takes your breath away. It is more reminiscent of a war zone than a rural community. In the face of something so horrible, it’s easy to look at the scope of the devastation and think, “Can...

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Being the Church after Disaster Strikes

Overwhelming Love For almost two weeks we’ve been helping an elderly couple named Gene and Judy dig out of the destruction left by the April 27th tornado. Another group first started cutting up fallen trees with chain saws and hauling them to the road while we worked on their nephews property, then our team started repairing their house. During this time we all became great friends and shared many wonderful stories, and we were able to pray and minister to them.   This past weekend, they told us that many years ago they were very active in a local church, but when they resigned...

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