When Your Plans Change

God Called several “Omaha’s” on us today.  This is when Paton Manning called a play but changes it in the middle of the down.  Today it rained most of the day. We walked to a school of 200 kids and just found 8 kids there. John told us how God helped him raise money to start this school. Then we walked down the hill to see a piece of land that he had to build new and bigger school building. We then went to Robert’s house to build him a new roof, but here God called another “Omaha” on us.  We were told that the wall that was rebuilt after the...

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When Your Plans Change

God Called several “Omaha’s” on us today.  This is when Paton Manning called a play but changes it in the middle of the down.  Today it rained most of the day. We walked to a school of 200 kids and just found 8 kids there. John told us how God helped him raise money to start this school. Then we walked down the hill to see a piece of land that he had to build new and bigger school building. We then went to Robert’s house to build him a new roof, but here God called another “Omaha” on us.  We were told that the wall that was rebuilt after the...

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